Monday, December 15, 2014

Tokyo, Japan

Whilst my brother and I were visiting Korea this summer, we had the opportunity to pop over to Tokyo for a couple (more like one) days.  Being my first time, I wanted to see everything and eat everything possible but we only had a short time to pack everything in.  Unfortunately, I devoured my sushi before I could snap some pictures of it to post but I am included some of the sites that we visited!

Train from the airport to downtown through the beautiful countryside.

These vending machines are all the rage!

Must have tea in Japan!

Raspberry lemon souffle.

Breakfast pastries.

First stop, Fish Market!

My favorite: Rice Cakes!

Belgium waffles in Japan? Weird...


One thing that was a must in Japan was going to Ramen street.  Well we couldn't find it until after we ate but we had some pretty good Ramen noodles elsewhere.

Eventually, we found Ramen Street.

Strangest assortment of Kit Kats.

By far the cutest little pastries I had ever seen!

Of course I had to get one.

Imperial Palace.

Shrine near Harajuku.

Must wash your hands before entering.

Howard was not excited about Harajuku.

Crepe anyone?

For our last meal, we decided to stay in Harajuku and go to Ton Katsu Wako.  They had amazing fried pork cutlets and the cutest baby clams in their miso soup.  This place was great because they gave you endless amounts of rice and cabbage.  Some of those Japanese girls can really eat.  Also, I loved their eco-friendly chopsticks that I had to buy some for myself!
Much needed beers.

Pork cutlets!

Baby clams!

Eco-friendly bamboo chopsticks.

Tokyo Drift anyone?

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